Are HVAC Service Plans Worth It?

hvac service techYou may have previously been pitched an HVAC service plan and wondered whether or not you’d actually be saving by signing up. Is the service really necessary or is this something that contractors have cooked up to get business year round?

Truthfully, the service is ABSOLUTELY necessary. And as long as you’re working with a trustworthy HVAC contractor, you’ll certainly be saving by enrolling in a service plan. See some of the major reasons below.

All HVAC Systems Require Some Maintenance

Whether you enroll in a plan or not, you can’t avoid regular system maintenance. If you do, expect a less than stellar performance and some necessary repairs from your heater or air conditioner. Unless you are willing and able to handle HVAC maintenance yourself, a service plan could save you money.

Routine Service Can Fulfill Warranty Stipulations

Properly maintained and cleaned units last longer, which is why many manufacturers stipulate that units that don’t receive routine service may void the warranty agreements. Otherwise, manufacturers would constantly be shelling out money to replace units that haven’t been taken care of.

Preventative Service Reduces Cost

We’ve already mentioned that foregoing regular service normally ends in costly repairs, which is important to remember. However, HVAC maintenance can also reduce your monthly utility bills by helping your units run cleaner and more efficiently. You won’t be wasting energy on a machine that isn’t operating to its highest capacity, and overall you’ll be spending less on repairs and replacement parts.

In addition to the above benefits, a service plan with Borden Cooling & Heating guarantees the following:

  • Priority scheduling
  • Performance checks
  • Healthier air quality
  • Minimal operation sounds

You can find more specific information on our AC and heating service pages. To ask about signing up for a service plan, fill out our form!


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