HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prevent Expensive Repairs

HVACIf you want to protect your investment, HVAC maintenance is key. As a homeowner, it’s an easy aspect to overlook when tending to other responsibilities. However, we can’t tell you how many homeowners end up regretting that decision when a preventable repair ends up costing them big. That being said, here are some of our best tips for avoiding costly repairs.

Clean and Replace the Air Filter

Don’t forget to check your air filter, clean it out, and replace when needed. A dirty filter prevents good air flow, ruins air quality, and can even cause your HVAC system to break down. A good rule of thumb is to clean your filters monthly with warm water and soap. Filters should be replaced every 60-90 days.

Check Outside Unit for Debris

This is a task that may not occur to you normally, but is very important. If twigs or leaves fall onto the outdoor component, they could be blocking proper airflow and even affecting the system’s performance. Feel free to use a garden hose to clean off any mud or dirt as well.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

Even if you regularly clean your HVAC system, there is no replacement for proper maintenance. By scheduling annual maintenance, we can check for cracks, leaks, pieces that need replacement or repair, and even check on CO levels. This way, we can handle the small repairs before they snowball into bigger and more expensive problems.

At Borden Heating & Cooling, our preventative service plans result in lower monthly bills, extended service life, healthier air quality, and more. For more information, check out our AC service and heating service pages. You can also fill out our form to schedule your service.

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